Where do I fit?

Our general volunteers help in every facet of ministry life. Depending on skill set and experience,  our  volunteers assist with tasks like auto maintenance and repair, construction, grounds upkeep, building maintenance, plumbing, electrical, painting, office work, graphic design, communications, web design, filmmaking, kitchen, food services, and hospitality.

We are looking for volunteers to join us for timeframes of two weeks up to three months!

The YWAM KOHA brought healing and new beginnings to me. I encourage anyone who feels the calling to listen and follow. It may just change your life.

- Phil, General Volunteer, New Zealand

Outreach Details

We are so excited you are joining us for an outreach! The following information will give you an understanding of outreaches onboard our vessel.

I loved working with a group of photographers, graphic designers and videographers, who are passionate about spreading the word of the amazing work YWAM Ships is doing. The communications team taught me to use the skills I learned from my University in a mission setting environment.

- Annika, General Volunteer, Austria

Living on board

Life on board a ship is a lot of fun. Living in close community will be a new experience for some and we invite everyone to work together to make it an enjoyable experience. Here’s more information about what life aboard a ship looks like:

I loved working on the YWAM KOHA because of the community feel on the ship. We felt like a floating family!
- Abriana, General Volunteer, USA

Outreach Cost

For current outreach pricing and available dates please contact us at: info@ysa.nz

Interested in Making a Difference?

Our registrar team is available to help you along the way, and answer any questions you may have. Email us at info@ysa.nz

For more information: