On March 11, 2019, YWAM Ships Aotearoa became the recipients of a vessel, gifted by the owners and operators of Stoney Creek Shipping, Nigel and Brenda Jolly of Tauranga. The vessel currently berthed in Tauranga, is perfectly suited to serve the isolated islands of the Pacific and was in operation until December 2018 serving Pitcairn Island and surrounding locations under contract to the British Government. Stoney Creek Shipping Ltd has been most generous with the donation of the vessel, including fuel in her tanks at the time of transition.

YWAM Ships Aotearoa was recently established in New Zealand and has had two vessels operating in Papua New Guinea, the M/V Pacific Link and the M/V YWAM Liberty. Technical operations for the vessels are administrated from a Fleet Support office in Tauranga.
This newly acquired vessel is planned to operate to our Pacific neighbours. The Pacific islands scattered across this great liquid continent are the most geographically challenging islands on planet earth. Hundreds of Islands with no airstrips and no bridges connecting them. The only way to reach them is via a ship. This ship has the capacity to carry containers, supplies and crew volunteering to assist in everything from education, to medical and developmental projects. YWAM (Youth With A Mission) supports the Christian Magna Carta, believing everyone should have the right to the basic necessities of life including; access to food, clothing, shelter, healthcare and education for their children. Our mission is to bring access for all people, in every location, no matter how isolated or small their island is. This is why we use ships. They aren’t just a good idea, they are the only way to reach these remote families and let them know God in heaven has not forgotten them, and neither has New Zealand!
Relationships with local churches, with businesses and corporations, with medical professionals, with governmental and development-minded civic groups, will be significant as we seek to engage the support and collaboration of this nation in extending services into our region. We plan on taking the ship around New Zealand with a national port tour in the near future.
YWAM training centre leaders from across the country will be meeting on board in early April. While each location is independently operated with separate boards and structures, we collaborate as a family on projects such as this one. This new ship will be a New Zealand vessel of compassion to its Pacific Rim neighbours. It is amazing what can be accomplished when we all work together. When everyone volunteers, donations are given and a host nation opens up ports free of charge, it all comes together creating a remarkable impact on some of the most remote villages you can imagine.
Take a look at a digital copy of our annual report showing the wide variety of activities our other vessels are already involved in.
We are all looking forward to seeing the vessel supported by many who want to make a difference in the Pacific region.

The re-naming of this ship is an important next step for us. If you have a suggestion, please send it in for consideration to one of the YWAM leaders near you or suggest here
We are ready for marine professionals.
If you have marine qualifications and would like to consider volunteering on board please contact us here
Interested in joining as a medical or general volunteer?
YWAM is an all volunteer mission, with each staff and crew member raising their own financial support from individuals and churches across the country. Crew members contribute $100 a week for room and board. Contact us here if you’re interested
As this vessel is preparing for its new service, we would invite your partnership with us. Donations to assist in establishing every area of this vessel are needed.
Would you consider making a gift to help us get going?

We are all looking forward to seeing the vessel permanently deployed from New Zealand, supported by Kiwis who want to make a difference in our own back yard of the Pacific
If you would like more information or if you would like a team member to make a presentation at your group or church, contact us here
Warmest regards,
Brett Curtis

Brett Curtis
Chairman YWAM Ships Aotearoa
Brett and Karen Curtis from Te Puke have been involved in YWAM Ship ministries since 1983
IMO# – 5976661
Charity Number – CC54578

Please note that per IRS guidelines all contributions to YWAM Ships Kona are income tax deductible and made with the understanding that YWAM Ships Kona has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. YWAM Ships Kona is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for your financial donation. EIN #453452689.